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5 Factors For A Consistent 2-Step Wash | Hydro-Chem Systems, Inc.

Written by Hydro-Chem Sales | Sep 15, 2018 3:04:00 PM

For some of the newer guys to the fleet washing industry, we wanted to share some advice that will help you save a lot of money, time, and headaches while getting into this phenomenal industry.

No matter the soaps you use, you will NEVER be 100% touchless all the time.

There are 5 factors to learn and memorize when you want to achieve “consistent” touchless cleaning results. This will allow you to be efficient and give you the highest ROI. Below are those 5 factors;

  1. You MUST be blending and using SOFT water for fleet washing. At the very least, blend your chemicals with soft water.
  2. HIGH-pressure soap application will save you time and cut down on your soap usage compared to typical low-pressure soap applications.
  3. You must have the capability of using warm to hot water while 2-step fleet washing. (Roughly 100 – 120 degrees Fahrenheit)
  4. The adequate dwell time for the soaps to dig into the surface and do their job – minimizing your use of the brush.
  5. Finally, understanding your dilution ratio on your pressure washer.

Understanding these 5 factors when you are trying to achieve “consistent” touchless cleaning while fleet washing will only benefit you.

Does this mean that IF you don’t have ALL 5 factors accounted for prior to starting to 2-step wash that you can’t move forward with this choice?

NO it’s does not.

Just realize that if you don’t have all 5 factors in place for your fleet washing business, then you will need to pick-up the brush a little more often.

UNDERSTANDING these 5 factors will go a long way in making your mobile fleet washing business MORE profitable!

If you have any further questions about these 5 factors please contact an EXPERT in the industry here at Hydro-Chem Systems!