Keeping a fleet in top condition involves more than regular washes; it requires specialized products to tackle persistent challenges like caked-on road film and stubborn bug residue. Utilizing a soap or detergent that removes bug residue can be key because it is specifically formulated to tackle the issue with ease.
In this blog, we’ll take a close look at what Bug Soaker is and share some practical advice on how to use it and mix it effectively. Discover how this specialty product can keep your fleet looking its best.
What is Bug Soaker?
Bug Soaker is a non-acidic cleaner made to remove the sticky and hard residues left by insects. Bug Soaker is specifically designed to break down and soften the compounds found in bug residue. Because of this, it’s more effective in tackling baked-on grime than other cleaners and makes it easier to remove without using harsher cleaning methods which could harm the surfaces of your fleet.
The science behind Bug Soaker is simple: it focuses on stubborn, tacky residues that regular soaps may not deal with effectively enough. Dissolving these compounds enables Bug Soaker to achieve a smoother and faster cleaning process, leaving your vehicle’s paintwork untouched among other areas.
Different Types of Bug Soaker
We offer two versions of Bug Soaker, each designed for different needs:
- Bug Soaker Thin – This is the more aggressive formulation of Bug Soaker, making it ideal for heavy bug build-up as well as performing at weaker dilutions. If you have a fleet of long-haul trucks or off-road vehicles that accumulate a lot of bug residue often, then this is the right product for you. The stronger formula ensures that even the most stubborn insects are removed during cleaning.
- Bug Soaker SOP (Safe on Polish) – This SOP formulation of Bug Soaker is what you need if your vehicle has polished surfaces, like aluminum rigs. Bug Soaker SOP is a safer alternative that won’t damage more sensitive surfaces but may need to be used at a stronger ratio compared to the aggressive version. It’s the perfect choice for fleets that require a more delicate touch but still demand a powerful wash.
Why Your Fleet Needs Bug Soaker
Helps Remove More Than Bugs
Bug Soaker is more than just a bug killer, it’s often used as a degreaser too. It can easily cut through greasy fingerprints, diesel spills on trucks and even tough road grime.
Pre-Treatment and Spot Cleaning
Bug Soaker works great as a pre-treatment before washing the whole vehicle or doing spot cleanings between washes on problem areas.
Seasonal and Year-round Use
While Bug Soaker performs best during peak seasons when bugs are most prevalent, it’s an effective soap year-round.
No matter which type of Bug Soaker you’re using, you can adjust the mix to suit your specific needs. Both Thin and SOP can be diluted, giving you a cheaper cost per use and flexibility in how you use the product.
Do I Always Need Bug Soaker?
It’s really up to you. Bug Soaker is great for more than just baked-on bug grime and depending on where you are and the time of you, bug splatter may be more or less of an issue.
When bug build-up is not as harsh and vehicles are washed on a regular schedule, your typical wash process may remove bug residue. But if you need a specialty product to cut through tough spots and act as a really versatile pre-treatment, Bug Soaker might be a great option. You could also pre-treat with your #2 high pH alkaline soap and allow more dwell time. It really depends on your capacity and your fleet washing goals, at the end of the day.
Bug Soaker: The Key to a Cleaner Fleet
Using Bug Soaker or other specialty soaps and detergents can have a big impact on how clean your fleet gets. Bug Soaker is not only one of the best options for baked-on bug residue, but it’s also a super versatile product for spot cleaning and pre-treatment. Because of how useful the formula is, you can make Bug Soaker what you need to ensure your fleet gets the best clean.
Consider adding Bug Soaker to your cleaning routine and enhance your fleet washing and maintenance today.